Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ebay Alternatives – A Huge Online Auction & Marketplace Directory

Below you will find a very comprehensive and ‘exhaustive” directory of tons of alternatives to ebay. Majority are general merchandise (new or used), except as noted, many are free, some are fixed-price while others are up for bid or negotiation. A combination of auction, live-auction, marketplace, classified, etc. Some are large incorporated companies, others could be smaller entrepreneurs just starting out while most are somewhere in the middle. Majority are based in the United States, but a select few I’ve listed are based in Canada, United Kingdom, Australia & New Zealand – Many allow sales internationally. I would guess that at least 95% of these are still in operation since this list was compiled a few months back and updated within the last 2 weeks. Due to the nature of the internet with mergers and buy-outs, these listings are sure to fluctuate. This should give anyone with an interest of selling online an incredible opportunity to shop & compare – Do check ‘em out. No guarantees are made as to which one will out-perform others however one thing is certain. They are ALL here as an alternative to ebay who has the ‘universally” recognized name but has gotten TOO BIG for it’s own good and has also gotten waaaaaaaay out of hand with their fees and policies! Good Luck and Happy Searching!


  1. Amazon.com
  2. Craigslist.org
  3. Bidville.com
  4. WeBidz.com
  5. uBid.com
  6. ePier.com
  7. OnlineAuction.com [OLA]
  8. Bonanzle.com
  9. BluJay.com
  10. eCrater.com
  11. MilBid.com
  12. eBid.net
  13. Buy.com
  14. Volusion.com
  15. Wigix.com
  16. TheSOCexchange.com
  17. AtomicMall.com
  18. BuyItSellIt.com [BISI]
  19. Google.com/base
  20. Yahoo Auctions! (still exists in Canada)
  21. Livedeal.com
  22. Diversetrade.com
  23. Underbid.com
  24. AuctionBytes.com
  25. TheAuctionBoard.com
  26. TripleClicks.com
  27. 4Sale4Now.com
  28. BlitzAuctions.com
  29. InetFlea.com
  30. TagSaler.com
  31. Silkfair.com
  32. Oodle.com
  33. Flippid.com
  34. iOffer.com
  35. Overstock.com (limited use)
  36. PrestoMart.com
  37. PriceGrabber.com
  38. USAuctionsLive.com
  39. Up4Sale.net
  40. Sell.com
  41. zBestOffer.com
  42. HiBidder.com
  43. CQout.com
  44. WagglePop.com
  45. Ziing.com
  46. ZooBid.com
  47. FeverBid.com
  48. Bizium.com
  49. LDBidz.com
  50. HopeIWin.com
  51. UpperBid.com
  52. Sell2Help.com
  53. QuickBids.net
  54. MySale2.com
  55. AltecTrader.com
  56. Bidtopia.com
  57. GoBiddin.com
  58. QXBid.com
  59. BidFinal.com
  60. EzeAd.com
  61. TazBar.com
  62. 1StoreGo.com
  63. myBISI.com
  64. HighEndCrazy.com
  65. uSiff.com
  66. eFleaa.com
  67. wBast.com
  68. Lixtor.co.nz
  69. OZtion.co.au
  70. TradeMe.co.nz
  71. Xoobie.com
  72. Seller-City.com
  73. Auctions.Overstock.com
  74. WebStore.com
  75. QBon.com
  76. MyAuctionPlanet.com
  77. Wensy.com
  78. BiddersNSellers.com
  79. CozyBug.com
  80. TGoSell.com
  81. Ewaey.com
  82. Hoobly.com
  83. LoudFrog.com
  84. Neoloch.com
  85. MyStore.com
  86. DealTent.com
  87. GoZBay.com
  88. TheShopNSwap.com
  89. Job-Lot.com
  90. RoboBomb.com/auctions
  91. AuctionQuests.com
  92. WebStore.com
  93. InterShopZone.com
  94. MightyBids.com
  95. AuctionAddict.com
  96. uBidRight.com
  97. VintageValue.net
  98. ReallySmartDeals.com
  99. ItsGottaGo.com
  100. SoAuctionIt.com
  101. USFreeAds.com
  102. AlsoShop.com
  103. PlunderHere.com
  104. Etsy.com (handmade & vintage items)
  105. WinkElf.com (arts & craft items)
  106. U-CanBidOnIt.com
  107. Elfingo.com
  108. MyBizArea.com (social networking marketplace)
  109. MyEAuctions.com
  110. Bidjit.com
  111. WildWestBids.com (old west/cowboy collectibles)
  112. OverNightAuctions.com
  113. TheRummage.com
  114. BuyersChoiceAuctions.com
  115. BuySellCommunity.com
  116. Klonkers.com
  117. BuyPeddlersMall.com
  118. TheFreeAuction.com
  119. Gorage.com
  120. DormBay.com (college/student related merchandise)
  121. Auctiva.com
  122. Bid-ALot.com
  123. uSold.net
  124. AuctionFire.com
  125. Auction-Warehouse.com
  126. BidBunny.com
  127. TheDeadSkunk.com
  128. eBidNBuy.com
  129. JaxBids.com
  130. SpeedyBid.com
  131. Kidswap.ca (kid-related stuff – NOT kids!)
  132. Squeagle.com
  133. StormPay.com
  134. StuffEnuff.com
  135. ThriftyBidderAuctions.com
  136. SwapItShop.com
  137. ArtFire.com (handmade – an artison community)
  138. RubyLane.com (Quality Antiques, Vintage Collectibles, Fine Art, Jewelry)
  139. NewEggMall (limitations)
  140. BidCactus.com
  141. Bidz.com/Auctions
  142. ToysAuction.com (toys & baby products)
  143. ebayWanted.com
  144. BuyNSellIt.com (antiques-toys-collectibles)
  145. Dawdle.com (video games, systems, accessories)
  146. TheCollectorsBay.com (collectibles only)
  147. Multi-Sale.com
  148. Up4Bidz.com
  149. E-Duds.com
  150. 123Bidding.com
  151. OtherAuction.com
  152. BidNTrade.com
  153. ZillaBid.com
  154. CheaperByTheDay.com
  155. CollectorOnline.com (everything collectible)
  156. GEMM.com (records-music related)
  157. Audiogon.com (High-End Audio Community)
  158. SpecialistAuctions.com
  159. Oltibly.com (reverse online auction site)
  160. SportsCollective.com (the sportscard marketplace)
  161. AuctionJunkie.net
  162. AdFlyer.co.uk
  163. PhiMart.com (specializes in consumer electronics)
  164. SwapThing.com (trade for items & services)
  165. FreeCycle.org (email based - giveaways)
  166. AuctionWeiser.com (resource guide?)

Additional Listing Sites/Directories To Check Out

  • AlternativesToEbay.com
  • PowerSellersUnite.com
  • EveryPlaceISell.com
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1 comment:

  1. The auction site many think will become the big favorite is TheDeadSkunk.com , it's being tipped to be voted best new online auction website of 2009.
    We think TheDeadSkunk will set new standards in giving the seller and buyer just what they want.
    This is already reflected in some of the pre-emptive price and structure adjustments made by some of our better known auction sites.
    TheDeadSkunk could be the saviour many sellers are praying for,but the cynic in me predicts "if and when" TheDeadSkunk does receive the votes and accolades it could and should deserve, then the big players will just come in with a buy-out offer.Let's hope this never happens.
    TheDeadSkunk is a British run auction site, and we know how well the Brits do at our Oscars; lets hope the direction behind the TheDeadSkunk is just as masterful.For every sellers sake.
